Friday, August 24, 2007

a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?
Every time I quarrel with my siblings I don't let them win over me especially with my brother. I think it is because I am the eldest of the siblings. I don't want to show that I am weak and that he can beat me. I really hate the times when he command me to do something that is actually my mother told him to do.
When I look at the challenge and read the choices I decided to take the challenge of admitting my mistakes. I realized somehow that maybe sometimes there is something wrong with me that make my brother and I always quarrel over silly things. I remember a time that I admit my mistake that is actually not a big mistake, me and my brother doesn't end up quarreling. I felt happy that time because we got along well with each other. As I refresh my memory of times that we got along because we both try to understand each other I realize that it would be better to admit mistakes than having your pride.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 talk...

Based on my recent health test, I realize that my spiritual health is quite decreasing. Well I admit that nowadays I have rarely visit trhe church. But I can say that I always pray and "contact" God. I never fail to say my gratitude to Him.
In terms of my physical, mental and emotional health, I realize that I still need to improve myself especially on my physical aspect. Because since I start entering college I need to be physically fit to be able to be used of my college life. I also try to improve my mental health to cope with the harder lessons and problems I am going to encounter. About my emotional health I frankly admit that I still have to improve. I need to improve because when facing new and harder problems I have to face it without having problems of my childish attitudes.
When I start my life in college I have proven to myself that I have my social being adjusted to the "atmosphere". I start gaining new friends and acquaintances. It's good to have new friends. As for my psychological health, I am healthy! I have my mind set to specific frames and I don't have problems thinking and feeling towards problems.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


For one week I challenge myself to get high grades on our seatworks and quizzes. And I can say that somehow I beat it because I maybe not the highest in class but I still pass. It is amazing because I felt fulfilled on what I am doing. I feel more inspired to study when I see my papers having grades like that. Well after a week of challenging myself I realize that if I strive harder for something you can succeed. Like in the saying "If there's a will, there's a way". Until now I am trying to give my studies the bestshot that I could.

this is it...

Since the start of my college life everything seemed to be drastically changing. My time schedule and my activities are a lot different than before. It is really challenging to become a responsible person. Well, one of the smallest thing can be one of the challenging is simply weaking up very early in the mornig just to read your notes and prepare for a quiz. And another is that I have to go to school on time because I could miss an important lesson that we are going to study. I remember one time we are late and it is our first time to be late when we start college. It is very embarrasing to enter the room and say "sorry we're late". By then we much realize that time and punctuality should be valued most now that we are in college.
"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

I remember that my science teacher give a requirement to report in the other section's room. We were in 4th year then and we are suppose to report in the 3rd year's room. We are given the chance to pick out our desired topics to report. Actually only 5 of us are chosen to have that special project. I am challenged because the five of us are the top students and who ever has the best report gets the best in science award. I was not aware of what should I discuss but I want to report a challenging topic that I didnt even know. So I ask my teacher on what could he suggest to me. And he tell me that I should try thermodynamics. When I first hear it, I was challenged because he keeps on laughing and maybe wondering if I could do it. Then I took his challenge and I prepare for the next week reporting. The day come and I was really nervous. I felt cold and shakey but I calm myself. When it is time for my report I have my confidence and I think that I could do it. As I report there are 4 judges and I was expecting that they would ask questions. Hopefully I answered there questions correctly. I was so happy after my report eventhough I still don't know my score. At least, I did my best. That day we will know what would be our standings and I was really grateful and relieved to know that I did well. Guess what, I got the highest score and I got the award of being best in science.

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